- What are the minimum hardware specs to run Intella and Connect?
- Do Intella and Connect work in a virtual machine?
- Can Intella and Connect/Investigator be run in the cloud?
- Can Intella handle long path names in evidence files?
- Can Intella handle UNC paths?
- Can Intella index forensic disk images?
- Are there any EnScripts for use with an Encase image?
- Can Intella index a live system?
- How does re-indexing affect my case?
- Can Intella deduplicate search results?
- Does Intella search in attachments?
- Does Intella support proximity searching?
- How to print emails and include their attachments?
- How to print and export PDF reports with characters of my language?
- Does Intella have an audit log?
- Collecting data from an Office 365 or a SharePoint Source
- Collecting data from a GMail source
- Collecting data from a DropBox source
- Extracting a C2V file from your dongle
- Collecting the license fingerprint/key
- Which version of my product am I running?
- 2 Factor Authentication setup in Intella Connect
- Creating AWS access keys
- Why can I not use cloud-based file storage platforms for Intella Cases?
- File Recovery in Intella: How it Works and What to Expect
- The Difference Between File Carving and MFT-based File Recovery?
- What are the differences between Intella TEAM and Intella Investigator
- What is Intella Viewer?
- Collecting data from a Google source
- What is Intella Node?
- How to OCR in Intella Investigator/Connect
- Using Command Prompt to convert cases
- Are the original evidence files needed after indexing / processing them into a case?
- Collecting data from a Microsoft 365 or a SharePoint source for Intella 2.7 and later
- Does Intella support Crawler scripts which can be used during indexing?
- Is it possible to work collaboratively using Intella desktop and Intella Viewer?
- How to include a column that indicates if an item has embedded images while exporting CSV metadata?
- How to see how the license and seats are being utilized in Intella Connect?
- Is it possible to generate a report of case stats in Intella Connect?
- Is it possible to index XRY cellphone extraction using Intella?
- How to regain access to a locked admin account of Intella Connect?
- Is importing from and exporting to RSMF 2.0 supported in Intella?
- Is it possible to run background tasks such as OCR on Intella Node?
- How to share your web browser’s JavaScript console logs to a support ticket?
- Understanding Intella Assist and LLM Integration
- Can QNAP or Synology devices be used with Intella?
- Sharing a Case in Connect/Investigator