How to share your web browser’s JavaScript console logs to a support ticket?

How to share your web browser’s JavaScript console logs to a support ticket?


The method used to open the JavaScript console depends on the browser used to access Intella Connect:

  • Google Chrome
    • Press CTRL + SHIFT + J to open the "Console" tab of the Developer Tools.

  • Mozilla Firefox
    • Press CTRL + SHIFT + K to open the Web console.

  • Microsoft Edge
    • Press F12 to open the developer tools.

    • Click the "Console" tab.

It is recommended to perform the following steps:
  1. Open the developer tools as described above depending on your web browser.
  2. Open console, and right click to "Save as" to store the content.
  3. Switch to Network tab and "Save all as HAR content".
  4. Share the files within your support ticket.
For visual illustration, see the following:
