Using Command Prompt to convert cases

Starting in Intella version 2.6.1, you can now convert cases without the need for an additional license. This is helpful in situations where you want to continue running your production environment, and slowly convert cases to the newest version. 

This guide will go through the steps of how to use Intella Command Prompt to convert cases. 

Some things to note:

- Make sure the cases you are going to convert are not actively being used
- Make note of the older versions cases file paths
- The file path you want to converted cases to be placed

For this example, I created an Intella case using version and will be converting it to 2.6.1 using Command Prompt. 

You can see here in the launcher for 2.6.1 that the case will not work until converted:

1. Launch Command Prompt

2. Navigate to IntellaCMD.exe directory (It can be found in "C:\Program Files\Vound\Intella Version\IntellaCmd.exe")

3. The CMD for IntellaCMD.exe will need the necessary arguments to run the conversion command

The three arguments are -u for user, -c for the path to the Case you're converting, and -nc for New Case path. 

Do not create a folder at that path or you will receive a warning and the CMD will not complete. 

It will look like this: IntellaCmd.exe -u user -c old_case_dir -nc new_case_dir

4. Running the command should produce a success message like this: 

Now you can see when opening Professional 2.6.1 our converted case is able to be opened
