Getting more details in your log file

Intella generates log files that are useful in diagnosing problems or errors during indexing or program operation. The default logging mode records basic operations and errors, but it may be beneficial to increase the logging level for more detailed troubleshooting.

The log files are stored within the "logs" folder, located in the case folder. To access this folder, you can use the "Open Log Folder" option in the Help menu in Intella. The log files are named 'case-main-[DATE]', 'case-warnings-[DATE]' and any other *.log files located in the same directory.

In case Intella is not logging the issue, it might be due to the advanced logs not saved within the log file. To increase the logging level and involve more detailed logs, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Close your Intella case but make sure to remember the case name and location of the case folder.
  2. Navigate to the case folder in Windows Explorer and open the "conf" folder.
  3. Use a text editor like Notepad to open the file called logback.xml. This file is unique to each case.
  4. Find the line that reads <level value="INFO" />.
  5. Replace "INFO" with "DEBUG" to change the logging level to a more detailed setting. The line should read: <level value="DEBUG" />.
  6. After making the necessary changes, save the logback.xml file and close the text editor.
  7. Start your Intella case again, and the logging will now be more detailed.

With these changes, logs at a more detailed level will be generated and stored within the log files located in the "logs" folder within the case folder. For more information on setting the logging level and using Intella's log scanning tool, check out the following link:

Updated April 2023